martedì 14 marzo 2017

The Shipman's tale

The Shipman's tale is the 15th tale of Canterbury Tales.
The tale talks about a misery merchant whose wife enjoys revelry and socialising, on which she spends much, so she has debts. One day, a young monk, who is a friend of the merchant, goes to the merchant's home to stay with them. The wife confesses at the monk that she doesn't love her husband, after she asks the monk to pay her debts. The monk accepts but on one condition: she has to go to bed with him. She accepts, so they sleep together. The day after, the monk borrows the money from the merchant and says that the money are for the poor but he gives the money to the wife. After, the merchant asks his money to the monk and he says that his wife has the money and she hide it under the bed, so the merchant finds out her wife.

venerdì 10 marzo 2017

Mothers get less sleep than fathers

A new study confirms that moms get less sleep than fathers. The researchers discovered that having children in the house leads to sleep deprivation in many mothers. Motherhood reduced the number of hours a mother slept each night and this had an adverse effect on mothers' energy levels and tiredness during the day. The fathers' sleep remained unaffected. Sleeping less increases the risk of diabetes, obesity, cardiovascular disease and depression.